Sunday, March 4, 2007

Good Idea ... Wrong Commercial

ABC recently announced that it is planning on making a television series based upon the GEICO cavemen. People have commented elsewhere about how stupid this idea would seem to be. I'll hold judgment on that till I hear the actual concept, but what is really distressing is why this set of commercials had to be used when there was a much better one two years ago.

Slate picked up on the brilliance of the commercial way back when it first aired in 2005.

Plus, the concept is already right there in the commercial - no thinking outside the box required. Okay, one year might be excessive, but in today's fame-obsessed culture there has to be somebody willing to live in a house too small for six months. GEICO even provided you with a potential challenge - having to make an omlette - if you want to do a contest based show. If the contestants can make it through, they could get some nominal prize - their own house redone, cash. Come on ABC.


Susie Hume said...

I agree! I loved that commercial when it aired. The cavemen are getting a bit old, so a whole series? Ugh. Bring on Small House!

Dante A. Ciampaglia said...

I don't know, I'm cautiously optimistic about Cavemen. I mean, don't you have the same burning desire as I do to know who Tina is, why she and the Caveman broke up, and how come they're getting back together??!! I think it could be awesome!