This season’s “Roadies” still band together in a tiny RV while driving through exotic locales in order to attempt elaborate and “extreme” challenges – car bungee jumping, wrestle alligators, be a human mannequin in a store window wearing only body paint. But, that’s about all that’s left of the initial premise.
Six strangers has morphed into six Road Rules alumni. The RV is still around, but it has a new name. Gone are the mission mayors – replaced with a bland but overly enthusiastic host. The biggest, and must obnoxious change, is an over-elaborate elimination system, which involves viewer participation and takes forever to explain in the premiere episode. The cast nominates one guy and one girl, the viewers then decide which one they would rather see leave, that person has to compete against a member of ‘The Pit Crew’ for their spot on the RV. And that’s the short version.
Road Rules is not the only reality show that eliminates its characters, and it’s not even a new concept to Road Rules (the show’s producers first added the elimination angle in season 11.) However, those other shows managed to keep some sort of continuity in the larger group by starting with a large number that gets dwindled down as the season progresses. Now a rotating cast of characters is virtually assured with the potential for elimination every week.
With the success of other MTV reality shows, which don’t kick people off every week –
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